
Showing posts from November, 2018

November 28, 2018 Weekly Blog

Today was the third and final presentation. All but four groups were able to go today including all of small-scale. As always, it was nice to see the whole project coming together once again and seeing the development of each individual piece. Small-scale guideway is slowing coming together as well. We have most of our FEA done and the factors of safety are looking good. In addition, the final design for the rail bender is about finished as well and is ready to be manufactured.

November 14, 2018 Weekly Blog

This week we continued to work on our resigned track bender. We have the general idea of what we are aiming for but will finalize the design very soon. We are currently finishing up the CAD and 2D drawings for it before we start building anything. The entire small scale team was supposed to meet with Dr. Furman but we apparently ran out of time. November 15, 2018 David, Logan and I met with Danial Bolen and went on a tour of Bojo Tools. It was a great experience although most of what he was talking about was beyond my current knowledge and understanding. Danial reviewed our drawings but unfortunately concluded that the parts would be easier to just machine by hand.

November 7, 2018 Weekly Blog

During this weeks meeting, the Small Scale Track team started to remodel the rail bender. We basically dismantled the entire setup from last year and are aiming to shift it from its original vertical position to a horizontal position. We came up with the basic idea of what it will look like but it should be finalized by next week. It was saddening to hear about the whole owner/lease situation with the Superway Design Center but im sure everything will work itself out in time.

October 31, 2018 Weekly Blog

This week we were finally able to give our presentation since we ran out of time last week. I feel we weren't as prepared as we were last week due to not reviewing it again. We were discussing the idea of injection molding again and seeing how we may be able to thin it out so injection molding can be used. We also began to take apart the rail bender to remodel it. One idea were were discussing was having the bending occur horizontal rather than vertically in an attempt to help preventing it from spiraling.